Cisco IOS uses level-7 encryption when service -password-encrption command will execute on router.
To see all these password in the plane text format use the following steps:
Step 1. Copy or note the password in the encryption format like 0124xrz4251
Step 2. Run the following Command on router:
Router(config)#key chain pass
Router(config-keychain)# key 1
Router(config-keychain-key)#key-string 7 0124xrz4251
Step 3. Now when you execute show key chain test command ,the clear text value of the password will be shown to you.
Router#sgow key cahin pass
key-chain decrypt :
key 1 -- pass "Secure"
-------Here you can see th eclear text value with encyption string -------
By this way you can see the password in the clear text with out using any tool.